Friday 31 July 2020

एउटा लघु कथा “राजालाई तनाव”

एउटा राजा थियो र एउटा फकिर थियो । कारणवश केही समय दुबै एक स्थानमा सँगै बस्नुपर्ने अवस्था आयो । स्थान एउटै भए पनि दुबै फरक फरक दुरीमा एक अर्कालाई न देखिने गरी बस्नुपर्ने भएको थियो । फकिरलाई खान बस्नको समस्या थिएन । उसलाई राजाले सबै व्यवस्था मिलाई दिएको थियो । बेला बेलामा भेट भए पनि बिहानै र बेलुकी सुत्ने समयमा भने देखभेंट हुँदैन थियो । राजा बस्ने ठाउँमा अन्य राजाहरु पनि आएका थिए । सबै राजाहरु सँगै खान्थे र सँगै बस्थे । राजाहरुको बसाई अलि फरक थियो । दिनको र रातिको खानाको व्यवस्था राम्रो भए पनि बिहानको चिया, खाजा तथा दिउँसोको खाजाको व्यवस्था भने रहेनछ । यता फकिरलाई भने राजाले सबै राम्रो व्यवस्था मिलाई दिएको थियो । फकिरलाई सबै आफै बनाउनु पर्ने भएको कारण जति बेला जे मन लाग्यो आवश्यकता अनुसार बनाएर खान सक्थ्यो ।  राजा बडो दोधारमा परेको थियो । बिहान उठ्ने बित्तिकै तनाव शुरु हुन्थ्यो । दरबारमा बिहान बिहान उठेर फ्रेस हुने बित्तिकै चिया खाने बानि थियो, तर त्यो कहाँ पाउनु, खाजामा हल्का खानेकुरा समावेश हुन्थ्यो तर त्यो कहाँ पाउनु ! अनि राजा बिहान बिहान तनावमा हुन्थे । बिस्तारै उठेर फ्रेस भइ तातो पानि सम्मको व्यवस्था भने थियो, त्यसैबाट चित्त बुझाउनु परेको थियो राजालाई । यता उता गर्दै खाना खाने समय भइ हाल्थ्यो र सबै राजाहरू हल्ला खल्ला गर्दै खाना खान्थे । खानामा भने राम्रो परिकारहरूको व्यवस्था हुन्थ्यो त्यसैले राजाले खुशी खुशी खान्थियो । त्यस पछि अन्य काममा सबै सँगै मिलेर लाग्थे र दिन बित्थ्यो । बिस्तारै दिउँसो हुन थाले पछि खाजा खाने समयमा राजालाई फेरी तनाव शुरु हुन्थ्यो । दिउँसोको खाजामा के खाने होला भनेर राजा फेरी चिन्तित हुन थाल्थ्यो । यता उता हल्लिँदै समय बित्थ्यो तर भोकले चरम रूप लिए पछि घुम्दै फकिर कहाँ पुग्थ्यो । एक छिन बसे पछि धन्न फकिरले राजालाई कही खानेकुरा, चिया, बिस्कुटको लागि सोध्थ्यो र राजाले लाजैले भएपनि हुन्छ भनेर ल्याइदिएको खानेकुरा मख्ख पर्दै खान्थे ।

राजा एक्लै भएको बेला सोच्ने गर्थे, आखिर राजा भएर के नै पाएँ ? यसो आफ्नो र फकिरको जीवनसँग दाँजेर हेर्ने गर्थे । फकिर कति खुशी छ, केही तनाव छैन र सुख मय जीवन व्यतीत गर्दै छ । यता आफ्नो जीवन हेर्ने हो भने तनावै तनाव छ । बिहान उठ्ने बित्तिकै के खाने भनेर चिन्ता, दउँसोको खाजामा के खाने भनेर चिन्ता, मेरै फकिरले कसरी जीवन यापन गर्दैछ भनेर त्यसको पनि चिन्ता राजालाई नै । तर आफूलाई के चाहिएको छ के गरि दिनु पर्छ भनेर कसैले सोच्दिन पर्दैन । आफूले जे पनि गर्न पाउने र जे पनि खान हुने  छुट नभएको ।

राजालाई तनाव एउटा मात्रै हैन रैछ उसलाई त तनावै तनाव…

Thursday 2 July 2020

COVID-19, a pandemic - Lock Down - Family Time

COVID-19, a pandemic, is everywhere around the world and You are trapped under lock down. It has been months being halted in a room, apartment or a house. You are bored of it, right?

 Yes, of course!

 The same feeling is everywhere in your area, and also around the world. It is probably for the first time, the whole world is under lock down at the same time. Majority of the people in the world now, have the same feeling. And isn't it amazing? You are in one corner of the earth reading my blog and I may be far far away from you. We both are sharing the same feeling. Bored of such a long long restriction of movement outside.

In my country, it has been around 100 days of lock down and still all the sectors have not eased yet. In the beginning, it was wonderful to enjoy rest and leisure time with family. Actually most of us were lacking this family time due to work load. Most of us were used to work late and even sometimes we brought the work at home. We were engaged most of the time. For few people, it had been hard to see each other because of work shift. The lock down has gathered the whole family in the same place. A very happy time all the time. Yeah! a wonderful joy and lovely feeling, Don’t you?

Mmmm now, It has been long time under the lock down that you are doing the same thing every day and feel that you are enjoying it the most. Are you enjoying your time by just relaxing all the time? Is listening music, watching movies, enjoying new recipes, and sharing that on social media has become your daily routine?  And you think that you are passing your time happily in your own way together with your family?

If so, the time has come to think and evaluate the time we have got during lock down. How we can make it productive or just waste it as useless. It is we, who can decide whether just to pass it or kill it. In your thinking, are you passing your time or killing it? 

Please comment below with your feedback and feelings. Your comments are valuable and a guide to me. I appreciate your words to me. Thanks for reading.

I am coming with another series soon.

Maintain the physical distance of 2 meter. Stay safe and healthy.

Sunday 14 June 2020

From the diary of Haiti 2015

I was in Haiti for United Nations Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH) in 2015 as UNPOL officer. Haiti was at its peak as it was the time of election. I was Deployed in Central Department, Hinche. We had to work jointly with the local Police to assist them in regular Policing. On Arrival to the Hinche Commissariat, a friendly environment was found for a comfortable work with the  HNP Officers. The UNPOL Officers were also very professional and friendly. 

Me with my other fellow UNPOL officers assisted the HNP officers for a successful completion of the election conducted on 09th August 2015 and 25 October 2015. Before the elections, the UDMO, CIMO and HNP officers were assisted by the UNPOL officers to conduct highly visible joint patrols and security check points in all the voting centers under Hinche Commissariat and sub commissariats of the high plateau i.e. Hinche, Thomonde, Maissade, Cercala Source, Thomassique and Cerca Carvajaal, Belladere and Baptiste for the population to feel the security and boost up the moral and confidence of the HNP and the local people as well. The locals offered us warm welcome and shared their good feelings that made them on our arrival and patrolling the area. The UN Police officers also helped the HNP & Electoral agencies in distribution, collection and safe transportation of the electoral materials to and from the Regional headquarters and the polling centers. After the election, the situation was monitored more vigorously by regular patrols with HNP officers.

Commissariat de Thommonde, Hinche

    After all the electoral process had completed, regular duties were resumed which included administrative and operational duties such as transfer of suspects from the sub-Commissariat to Hinche tribunal and to the prison, execution of intervention and mandates accompanied with judges, were performed. During the joint activities the HNP officers were monitored in their actions and executions. They were mentored on  irregularities, in appropriate process of executing mandates, handling suspects, crime investigation, human right violation and crimes against women and child on sexual abuse and harassment. In the framework of human rights, encouraged and advised HNP officers to respect human rights of the people during the interventions and execution of warrants and proper humanitarian behavior while detaining in custody.
    The officers from HNP were very gentle and kind hearted. I could see them offering foods and assisting the needy people. It was really heart touching moment to see people being offered help as of their need by their local Police. It helped them to bring their people closer and understand each other well.

Bassin Zim, Pandiassou, a beautiful touring place in Hinche.
People visit this waterfall for picnic & swimming in summer

I really miss those days in Hinche. I had good friends there and miss them. I wish to be there once again. The house owner was so kind and cooperative. He used to visit me and ask for any assistance needed including my wellbeing. He used to spoke Creole and I replied him in English. I also got chance to learn Creole there. My security guards of the house were too good. Miss them too.

My best wishes to the people of Haiti. I hope this pandemic may not affect Haiti. Love Haiti. Mwen remen Haiti et Haitians.