Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Top Earning Blogs In The World!

Blogs have become a trend these days. Almost every net savvy has a blog but did you know there are few blogs which are not just famous but one of the top earning websites in the world! Every blogger wishes to become well known with the information and content on his/her site but there are few who wish for more! Loyal readers and tons of money through content.... Take a look at the top earning blogs in the world!

Top earning blogs in the world:

 Started in 2005 by 40 year old Michael Arrington, this tech website is one of the top earning blogs. Alexa ranking of this blog is 335! TechCrunch provides technology updates on website hacking, computer etc. Michael Arrington earns $8,00,000 per month for his blog and TechCrunch is the best tech websites.

Mashable: 26 year old Pete CashMore launched this blog in 2005. With Alexa ranking 281, Mashable discusses on social media and is one of the most famous geek site. With 2 million twitter followers and 25 million page views per month, the Mashable is one of the top earning sites with $6,00,000 per month. Pete CashMore started this blog in the age of 19 and is now one of the richest bloggers in the world.

Perez Hilton: This blog is more about celebrity gossips and is one of the most viewed sites. Mario Lavandeira launched this blog in 2005 and gradually he became one of the top earning bloggers in the world. He posts 25-30 posts everyday and has become a celebrity who is also seen on television shows and events. Mario earns $2,00,000 per month with 1 million viewers everyday!

Timothysykes: Timothy Sykes, an American investor and former hedge fund manager is one of the top earning bloggers in the world. He talks about money and stalks and earns $ 1,80,000 per month. The 29 year old has written 2000 blogs till date and give penny stock tips for everyone who can afford under his membership area.

These are few top earning blogs which are popular, helpful and informative.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The New Secret to Weight Loss

Scientists are constantly searching for the best ways to help people lose weight. Ways that really work. This week, researchers from Cornell University divulged results from a clever and innovative project that may offer a new secret to successful weight loss.
A team of researchers from the Food and Brand Lab (following a study protocol designed by psychologists) found that inserting “stop signs” into food helped people avoid overeating.
How it worked: The researchers inserted brightly colored chip markers  into specially designed tubes of Lays Stackables potato chips at regular intervals to indicate portion sizes. Sure enough, the people who received those tubes, as opposed to conventional packages of chips, restricted the number of chips they ate at one sitting.
The researchers divided 98 students into two groups. The students were given tubes of chips — some divided by red-dyed “stop sign” chips, others not — then settled down to watch movies. Interestingly, the chips were counted differently; in some tubes the marker chips were inserted after every 7 chips; in others after every 14 chips. The researchers, who were part of Cornell’s Food and Brand Lab, then counted the number of chips each student ate.
The first data results, published this month in a journal of the American Psychological Association, found that the students given the tubes with the marked chips ate on average half the number of chips as the students  given the unmarked tubes. The students didn’t receive any explanation of why some of the tubes contained red chips. Even so, the students given the marked chips ate 20 and 24 chips on average (for the seven-chip and 14-chip tubes, respectively), compared with 45 chips in the control group.
In a second study, not yet published, the markers were inserted after every  five and 10 chips. In that study, the students whose tubes had markers after every 5 chips ate 14 chips, and those given tubes with markers every 10 chips ate 16 chips compared with 35 chips in the control group.
Most importantly, participants who got marked tubes were much better at estimating how many chips they’d actually eaten, getting it right within one chip.  Those eating out of unmarked tubes underestimated the number of chips they ate by an average of 13 chips – or two servings!
What I love about this study is that it not only addresses overeating in general, it highlights the issue of unconscious eating. (Particularly suggestive is the fact that even with the chip markers, the participants ate what amounted to three servings.)
Weight loss experts frequently explain that addressing the habit of unconscious eating is one of the best ways to lose weight without the sense of deprivation that so often makes diets backfire.
Here’s a step by step guide to overcoming unconscious eating.
1. Don’t wait until you’re starving. When you’re overly hungry, you eat too fast, outpacing your satiety cues. Therefore, you’re much less likely to notice when you’re full.

2. No TV! Or other distractions. Give your food your full attention, or you’re almost certain to eat more than you need to, or even want to. (Notice that in the experiment, they had the participants watch movies while they ate the chips.) Eat in a calm environment where you can focus on the eating experience with a minimum of distractions.
3. Avoid eating too many social meals. When you eat with a crowd of people, such as at a business lunch or party, you’re much less able to listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
4. When you can, be part of the preparation process. (Even if that just means tossing a salad, unwrapping a sandwich, or heating up leftovers.) This gives you time to focus on the anticipation and enjoyment of what you’re about to eat.
5. Eat mindfully. Take a deep breath, relax, and remind yourself to eat slowly. Take small bites, and notice the taste and texture in your mouth. Chew each bite thoroughly: 5-15 chews per bite, depending on the type of food and size of the bite). Try to focus on one bite at a time, rather than anticipating the next bite while you’re still eating the previous one.
6. Quiet racing thoughts. Have you ever sat down to eat a bowl of cereal, and the next thing you know the bowl’s empty? Of course the mind wanders – that’s what minds do. But when you get caught up in worrying about or analyzing something, you’re bound to get distracted and eat unconsciously.
7. Give yourself time – and a break. Remind yourself that you’re just taking a few minutes to eat a meal; all the things you need to do can wait a few minutes for your attention. If you’re really anxious or stressed out, stop eating and jot down a to-do list, then set it aside until you’re done eating.
And here are the Don’ts of unconscious eating:

  • Don’t stand up to eat.
  • Don’t gulp or rush to swallow bite after bite.
  • Don’t allow yourself any negative thinking, guilt-tripping, or self-flagellation while eating (such as “I shouldn’t be eating this,” or “I know I need to eat healthiert — I’ll go on a diet tomorrow.”
  • Don’t worry about wastefulness or feel you need to clean your plate.
  • Don’t play the blame game afterwards: “I shouldn’t have eaten so much.”

Cornell’s research team highlighted this issue, by pointing out that we tend to use visual cues to tell us how much to eat, rather than listening to our bodies. “People generally eat what’s put in front of them,” says Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab. “By inserting visual markers in a snack food package, we may be helping them monitor how much they’re eating and interrupt their semi-automatic eating habits.”
Source:- Forbes Magazine

Friday, 11 May 2012

Beware: if your card is being scanned in ATM

ATM card cloning the thugs have now made way to the ATM machine. Those machines are a special device with a card cloning. Incidents like these in many cities of the country including Tamil Nadu, after banks in Rajasthan alerts sent to customers. Banks to prevent the biometric ATM machines are also considering adding. Banks said the alert to avoid cloning of the card PIN numbers are constantly changing.
PNB, ICICI, IDBI, Axis Bank managers say they now change the PIN number of alerts, to alert security personnel have been directed. There is no case in the state. So, do not have to worry so special.
What is the ATM card Skimmer:
Sticking to the back of the ATM card magnetic strip through a criminal Skimmer the bank account holder's data is copied.
In addition to the capture pin - board the pin - hole camera is the pin to suppress the activities of the records.
Difficult to distinguish
IT department of a major public banks according to the expert, Dr. IP Jain and Dinesh Kumar is difficult to distinguish what is and what is not Skimmer ATM machine. The molding machine that is part of the card reader is. Though often in Skimming ATM card entry indicator device takes to cover that this is a good clue that there Skimmer.

Five places where  Skimmer  can be fixed
ATMs are five such places where it can be Skimmer. The light diffuser area, the speaker area, ATM machine inside the side (Fesia), card reader entry slot and ATM - the board area. ATM-use should take a good look at these places while. If a suspicious object or a scratch card, marks, glue-only visible evidence of tampering with the ATM.

Now most of the incidents in Tamil Nadu, India
At many places in Tamil Nadu through ATM Skimming lakhs people. To have been cheated. Pradeshbr Tamil Nadu police had issued such an alert. In April, the country's largest bank State Bank of India had issued an alert stating that the ATM Skimmer consumer data was stolen and sold in international markets.

Additional switching center in Mumbai, SBI General Manager of Canara Bank in Chennai last month, according to Srinivas MSS 29 and were engaged in Bangalore Skimmer 8 ATM machines. The data of the criminals in Russia sold nearly 1.5 million people. Srinivas, a measure to avoid the Skimming again and again is to change your ATM PIN.
ATM will be working on bio-metric systems
Bank officials said fingerprints match the biometric system will work only ATM. After entering the PIN, press card, not a software issue, but a picture is created inside programmable machine. When a match does the approval of the transaction. The metric system is the picture of the fingerprint is matched directly. If the finger does not straighten the machine does not work.
Though its an incident of India, people around the world need to be careful before inserting your card in any ATM machine. ATM cards are mostly used these days so we need to be more conscious about it. 

Thursday, 10 May 2012

सुकून से गुजरेगा जीवन

मुश्किलों से बचना या आसान जीवन जीना इंसान की स्वाभाविक चाहत है। किंतु सुरक्षित जीवन की यह भावना इंसान के दिमाग पर ज्यादा हावी हो जाती है, तो वह हर दिन, हर पल उठते-बैठते आस-पास के लोगों या बातों को लेकर असंतुष्ट होने लगता है। जिससे वह अशांत या व्यर्थ दबाव व तनाव में रहकर अकेलेपन का शिकार भी होने लगता है। 

शास्त्रों के मुताबिक संसार में रहकर भी जीवन से जुड़े नजरिए को लेकर अज्ञानता ही ऐसी मनोदशा पैदा करती है। जिससे बचकर व्यावहारिक जीवन की सफलता के लिए हिन्दू धर्मग्रंथ महाभारत की विदुर नीति में एक बेहतरीन सूत्र बताया गया है। जिसके मुताबिक हर व्यक्ति के जीवन में 5 तरह के लोग अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं। इंसान को इस बात को समझकर हर स्थिति का सामना करने को तैयार रहना चाहिए। 

लिखा गया है कि - 

पञ्च त्वानु गमिष्यन्ति यत्र यत्र गमिष्यसि। 
मित्राण्यामित्रा मध्यस्था उपजीव्योपजीविन:।। 

इस श्लोक का मतलब व इसमें छिपा संकेत है कि जीवन में जहां-जहां भी जाएंगे, वहां पर इन पांच तरह के लोगों के बीच जीवन गुजारना होता है, इनसे सही तालमेल जीना आसान बना देता है। ये 5 लोग हैं - 

मित्र - समान विचार, व्यवहार व भावना रखने वाले लोग आपके करीबी बन मित्र रूप में सहयोगी बनते हैं। 

शत्रु - काम, स्वार्थ या हित के चलते विरोधी, द्वेषी या ईर्ष्या भाव रखने वाले लोग शत्रुता का व्यवहार करते हैं। 

उदासीन - ऐसे लोग जो अच्छा हो या बुरा न आपका सहयोग न विरोध करे। ऐसे लोगों का व्यवहार असामान्य व निष्क्रियता से भरा होता है, जो किसी को भी बेचैन व निराश करता है। 

पनाह देने वाले - कठिन समय में निस्वार्थ सहयोग व सेवा करने वाले या शरण देने वाले लोग। 

पनाह पाने वाले - बुरे वक्त या हालात के कारण कमजोर, गरीब या अन्य किसी कारण से शरण में आने वाले लोग। 

इस तरह जीवन में हर रोज इन पांच तरह के लोगों का सामना तय है। इसलिए वक्त व व्यक्तियों से तालमेल बैठाकर जीवन को सही दिशा में मोड़ना चाहिए, बजाए इन बातों से मुंह फेर खुद या दूसरों को दोषी मानकर कलह व संताप के साथ वक्त व जीवन गुजारना।

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

आशावादी व्यक्तिको मुटु सधैं स्वस्थ

खुसी रहनाले मुटु रोगको जोखिम कम हुन्छ । अर्थात् कुनै पनि व्यक्ति जति आशावादी हुन्छ, उसको मुटु त्यति नै स्वस्थ, निरोगी रहने हुन्छ ।
यो अनुसन्धान हार्वर्ड स्कुल अफ पब्लिक हेल्थका अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरूले गरेका हुन् । उनीहरू दुई सयभन्दा बढी अध्ययनको समीक्षापछि यो निष्कर्षमा पुगेका हुन् । अध्ययन अनुसार, आशावादी, सकारात्मक सोचले भरिएका व्यक्तिहरू सधैंजसो स्वस्थ त हुन्छन् नै, उनीहरूमा कोलेस्ट्रोल, उच्च रक्तचाप जस्ता रोगको जोखिम समेत कम हुन्छ ।
सबैभन्दा बढी आशावादी व्यक्तिमा रोगको जोखिम ५० प्रतिशतभन्दा कम हुन्छ । यस्तै, अध्ययनमा संलग्न रहेका आशावादी व्यक्तिहरूमा बढी व्यायाम र सन्तुलित भोजनप्रति रुचि समेत पाइयो ।
बेसार खानाले हुँदैन हृदयाघात
हृदयाघात रोकथाममा बेसार बडो उपयुक्त हुन्छ । यसमा एन्टिअक्सिडेन्ट एवं एन्टिइन्फ्लेमेटरी गुण हुन्छ । त्यसैले बेसार सेवन गरे मुटूको शल्यक्रिया पछि हुने एट्याकको खतरा कम हुन्छ । बेसार खानाले हृदयाघातमा ६५ प्रतिशतसम्म कमी आउन सक्छ ।
अमेरिकन जर्नल अफ कार्डियोलजीमा प्रकाशित प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख छ- मुटुको धमनीमा रगतको प्रवाह सुचारु गर्न बाइपास शल्यक्रिया गरिएको छ भने यो शल्यक्रिया गर्दाताका सामान्य रूपमा मुटुको गतिविधि शून्य रहन्छ । त्यति बेला रगतको सञ्चार बन्द हुनाले पछि मुटुलाई क्षति पुग्छ, भविष्यमा हृदयाघात हुन सक्छ । नयाँ अध्ययन अनुसार, रोगीलाई पारम्परिक औषधिसँगै बेसार दिनाले यस्तो जोखिम कम गर्न सकिन्छ ।
यो अध्ययन अन्तर्गत सन् २००८ देखि २०११ सम्म शल्यक्रिया गराएका १ सय २१ मुटु रोगीमा अनुसन्धान गरियो । उक्त प्रतिवेदन अनुसार, अनुसन्धानको नेतृत्वकर्ता एवं थाइल्यान्डको चियाङ मई विश्वविद्यालयका वानवरङ वोगचेरोइनले यो परिणामलाई पुनर्पुष्टि गर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता रहेको समेत जनाएका छन् ।
अध्ययनमा सहभागी ती सबै व्यक्तिहरूमध्ये आधालाई शल्यक्रियाभन्दा तीन दिन अघिदेखि पाँच दिनपछि सम्म तीनदेखि चार पटकसम्म एक एक ग्राम बेसारको क्याप्सुल दिइएको थियो । बाँकी आधा रोगीलाई त्यही समय बिनाबेसारको क्याप्सुल अर्थात् प्लेसेवो दिइएको थियो ।
जुनजुन रोगीलाई बेसारको क्याप्सुल दिइएको थियो, उनीहरूमध्ये १३ प्रतिशत एवं नदिएकामध्ये ३० प्रतिशत रोगीलाई पछि हृदयाघात भयो । अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरूको अनुसार, बेसार सेवनले भविष्यमा हृदयाघातको जोखिममा ६५ प्रतिशतसम्म कमी आउन सक्छ ।  
मसलायुक्त करीमा मुटुको रहस्य
जिब्रोका लागि स्वादिष्ठ मसलायुक्त करी मुटुका लागि पनि स्वस्थकर हुन्छ ।
हङकङको चाइनिज विश्वविद्यालयमा भएको यो अनुसन्धान अनुसार, मसलायुक्त करीमा प्रायःजसो मरिच उपयोग हुने गर्छ । मरिचले कोलेस्ट्रोलको स्तरलाई कम गर्छ । यो रक्तवाहिनी नलीका लागि समेत लाभदायक छ । खुर्सानीलाई पिरो बनाउने तत्त्व क्याप्सिकमले मुटुको रोग टाढा राख्नमा सघाउँछ ।
अध्ययन अनुसार, मसलेदार पदार्थ स्वास्थ्यका लागि लाभदायक हुन्छ । मसलाले प्रोस्टेट र प्याङक्रियाजको टयुमरलाई न्यून सगर्न सघाउँछ । यस्तै, यसले पेन किलरको काम गरेर दम, सामान्य रुघाखोकी र फ्लूबाट राहत दिने गर्छ । यसको उपयोग तौल कम गर्नसमेत गरिने अध्ययनमा उल्लेख छ ।

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

गर्मियों में ऑरेंज जूस फायदेमंद

      ऑरेंज यानी संतरा को एनर्जी देने वाला फल माना जाता है। संतरा खाने के बाद तुरंत ताजगी और चुस्ती महसूस होती है। माना जाता है कि नियमित रूप से संतरे को आहार में शामिल करने से सर्दी, खांसी या रक्तस्त्राव की शिकायत नहीं रहती। 
     शरीर तंदुरुस्त और उम्र लंबी होती है। रात को सोते समय या फिर सुबह संतरा खाने से हाजमा ठीक रहता है। गर्मियों में रोजाना संतरे का जूस लेने से शरीर स्वस्थ रहता है, चुस्ती-फुर्ती बढ़ती है, त्वचा में निखार आता है और सौन्दर्य में वृद्धि होती है। 
     एक गिलास ऑरेंज जूस तन-मन को शीतलता प्रदान कर थकान एवं तनाव दूर करता है, दिल और दिमाग को नई शक्ति व ताजगी से भर देता है। तेज बुखार में संतरे के रस का सेवन करने से तापमान कम हो जाता है। इसमें उपस्थित साइट्रिक अम्ल मूत्र रोगों और गुर्दा रोगों को दूर करता है।
    दिल के मरीज को संतरे का रस शहद मिलाकर लेने से आश्चर्यजनक लाभ होता है। संतरे के जूस का सेवन करने से किसी भी प्रकार के कैंसर होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है। संतरे के जूस में थोड़ा सा पिसा तथा भुना हुआ जीरा और पिसा हुआ सेंधा नमक मिलाकर पीने से अम्लपित्त यानी एसीडिटी के रोग में आराम मिलता है।

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

बालों को स्पर्श करें और जानिए किसी का भी स्वभाव

किसी की भी सुंदरता में चार चांद लग जाते हैं यदि उसके बाल सुंदर हो। लड़कियों के लिए विशेष आकर्षण का केंद्र होते हैं उनके लंबे, काले और घने बाल। अच्छे नयन-नक्ष वाली लड़की के बाल भी सुंदर हो तो फिर सोने पे सुहागा ही है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार किसी भी व्यक्ति के बालों से भी आप उसके स्वभाव का पता लगा सकते हैं।

- यदि किसी व्यक्ति के बाल मुलायम, काले घने, रेशम के जैसे हो तो वह व्यक्ति दिलदार होता है। वह जीवन को पूरी मस्ती के साथ जीता है। ऐसे लोगों को धन की कमी नहीं होती। ऐसे लोग बहुत अच्छे प्रेमी होते हैं।

- पतले बाल वाला व्यक्ति साफ मन का और भावुक होता है।

- रूखे और सख्त बाल वाला व्यक्ति बहादुर होता है परंतु वह तंगदिल भी होता है।

- जिस व्यक्ति के बाल सुर्ख रंग के होंगे उसके साथ हमेशा धन की समस्या रहती है और वह परेशान रहता है।

- सुनहरे बाल वाले व्यक्ति मध्यम स्तर के होते हैं। वे सामान्य व्यतीत करते हैं।


This is my new page which I have just created today. You are informed that I will try to provide some interesting information, suggestions and useful tips for you and your life as well.